Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

Case Corruption

Corruption in Indonesia

Corruption or rasuah (Latin: corruptio of meaningful verb corrumpere rotten, corrupt, destabilizing, twisting, bribing) In the broadest sense, corruption or political corruption is the misuse of official position for personal gain. All forms of government | government vulnerable to corruption in practice. Weighing corruption vary, from the lightest in the form of the use of influence and support to give and receive help, until the weight of corruption are unveiled, and so on. End point of corruption is a kleptocracy, which literally means rule by thieves, which pretended to act honestly was not there at sekali.Siapa also tend to engage in corruption, there is no limit of age, education, occupation, gender, religious or not. The tendency towards corruption, can be done by accident or without sadar.Dan corruption can occur anywhere does not look like a place in the general environment and others

Conditions that favor the emergence of corruption in Indonesia
• Political campaigns are expensive, with expenditures greater than the normal political funding.
• Projects involving large amounts of public money.
• Environmental covered selfish and networks "old friend".
• Weak rule of law.
• Salaries of government employees is very small.

in 2010, say 3 years ago Rp 2.1 trillion in state losses. Early January to December 2013 was until Rp 7.4 trillion . It's significant. Even up in 2011, had until Rp 10 trillion more,
"Finance can be saved for the nation in 2012 as much as Rp 201 billion more. Whereas in 2013 rose to USD 915 billion more, or nearly $ 1 trillion financial state that we managed to save. Thus the rise of Rp 713 billion or 77.92 percent . Losses state of corruption, among others, predominantly from the tax sector, one of them in the customs institutions, "
 Financial state saved in 2013, valued at USD 403 102 000 215 and USD 500,000. It has increased from the previous year, 2012 was only U.S. $ 302 609 167 229 and U.S. $ 500,000, while in 2011 there are 198 210 963 791 USD and USD 6760.69. Stage of the investigation of corruption cases in 2011 only 699 cases, and then increased to 833 in 2012, and 2013 be 1,696 cases. While in the stage of investigation, in 2011 there were 1,624 cases, there are 1,401 cases in 2012, and in 2013 to 1,646 cases, "

Negative impact of corruption for Economic
Corruption also complicates economic development by creating distortions and inefficiencies are high. In the private sector, corruption increases the cost of trade due to the loss of illegal payments, management fees in negotiations with corrupt officials, and the risk of cancellation of the agreement or because of the investigation. While there are states that corruption reduces costs (commercial) to simplify the bureaucracy, the emerging consensus concluded that the availability of bribes causing officials to create new rules and new obstacles. Where the cost of commercial corruption causing inflation, corruption also mess up "the field of commerce". Companies that have a connection protected from competition and as a result retain companies that are not efficient.
Corruption caused distortion (chaos) in the public sector by diverting public investment into community projects where bribes and wages are more readily available. Officials may increase the complexity of the project communities to hide corrupt practices, which ultimately results in more chaos. Corruption also reduces compliance with safety requirements, environmental, or other regulations. Corruption also reduces the quality of government services and infrastructure; and adding pressure on the government budget.

Strategies to prevent and eradicate corruption in Indonesia
Prevention, law enforcement, Harmonisation of Legislation, Education and Culture Anti-Corruption, Anti-Corruption Reporting Mechanism Implementation

Causes of Corruption in Indonesia
Not Applying Indonesian religious teachings known as a religious nation which would prohibit corruption in any form. The fact there are many who do corruption.
Less Has Exemplary Leadership, a leader in the formal and informal institutions have an important influence for his subordinates. If a leader can not give a good example in front of subordinates, such as do corruption, then the bottom will most likely take the same chance with his superiors.
Moral Less Powerful ,someone moral is not strong tend to be tempted to engage in corruption. Temptation that can come from superiors, friends level, subordinate, or other parties that provide the opportunity for it.
Lazy or Will not Work, Some people want to get results out of a job without sweat aka lazy to work. Such properties would potentially take any action in ways easy and fast, including corruption.

But very difficult to eradicate corruption because corruption is organized crime and involving officials, corruption is a long chain of crimes, consequently difficult to find evidence to investigate or resolve corruption cases, corruption is done because of the four elements, among others, the intention to perform, ability to perform, opportunity or chance and a suitable target.

1. What causes corruption case in Indonesia?
Answer: Not Applying the teachings of Religion, Less Has Exemplary Leadership, Moral Less Powerful, Lazy or Do not Want to Work.

2. Who can get involved corruption cases?
Answer: Anyone prone to corruption, there is no limit of age, education, occupation, gender, religious or not. The tendency towards corruption, can be done inadvertently or unknowingly.

3. When the level of the highest state losses?
Answer: In 2011 the State losses of up to Rp 10 trillion more.

4. Why Difficult to eradicate corruption ?
Answer: because it is a corruption and organized crime involving officials, corruption is a long chain of crimes, consequently difficult to find evidence to investigate or resolve corruption cases, corruption is done because of the four elements, among others, the intention to perform, ability to perform, opportunity or chance and a suitable target.

5. Where corruption can happen?
Answer: Corruption can occur anywhere does not look like a place in the general environment and others

6. How strategies to combat corruption?
Answer: prevention, law enforcement, harmonization of legislation,
Education and Culture Anti-Corruption, Anti-Corruption Reporting Mechanism Implementation.

Corruption can be done anywhere and at any time but if we have good morals we are not going to commit acts of corruption. And eradicate corruption must quickly eradicate corruption due to the level of welfare in this country would be good.We as the younger generation must be honest in our dealings. SAY NO TO CORRUPTION ...

Reference sources:

KELAS           : 1EA02
NPM               : 13213004